The Impact of ANE Astronomical Context in the Exegesis of Jacob’s Blessings to His Children in Genesis 48-49

Introduction The heavens recount the glory of God, And the firmament reveals the deeds of his hand.  Day by day they pour out speech, And night by night they reveal knowledge.  Neither speech, nor language, Nor their voice is heard.  Through the whole land has their line gone forth, And their words to the end … More The Impact of ANE Astronomical Context in the Exegesis of Jacob’s Blessings to His Children in Genesis 48-49

Choose a Side

The world often tells us we must choose sides.  In fact, so many things in our society are entirely based upon us putting our allegiance with one entity and thus pitting us against another (or multiple others).  Sports are a prime example.  If you are for one team then you are consequently against all others.  … More Choose a Side


The trumpet is sounding. The trumpet is calling you. Make ready!  A storm approaches! I say trumpets and that likely means nothing to you.  You may think of a band or even a famous musician, but go back thousands or even just hundreds of years and “trumpet” takes on a whole new meaning. At sundown … More Trumpets


Teshuvah? That’s a word we don’t want to hear. Teshuvah has been on the hearts and minds of many these past few days.  A few days ago we began the Jewish month of Elul.  That date also corresponds to something called 40 days of Teshuvah.  The word literally means “to return” but in our English … More Teshuvah!