The Heart of Yeshua Pt. 3 – The Groom

This is part 3 of a Series.  See the others here:

The Heart of Yeshua Pt. 1 – The Bride of Christ

The Heart of Yeshua Pt 2 – John 3:30

I previously wrote about our role as The Bride and then about devotion and pride.  Now I am going to get to the heart of the matter:  The Groom.

We all know Yeshua (Jesus) as our Savior, our Messiah, our King, and our Creator; but do we understand him as our Groom, as our Husband?

The story of Ruth paints a beautiful picture of who Yeshua is in the capacity of our kinsman redeemer.  I used to not really understand the story, or why it was even included in the Bible.  I think it took this revelation that the spirit put upon me recently for me to really grasp this book and just how much insight there is in it to knowing the heart of our redeemer.

If you know me, then you know I’m pretty big on you reading the Bible for yourself, so I’m going to give you the opportunity to do so right now.  Whether you have done so recently or not, go and read Ruth’s story again right now before you go on to finish this post.

This story is a parallel to ours. If you don’t understand, then follow:

Elimelek [God is my King] is husband to Naomi.  They come from Israel to a Gentile people. Her widowed daughter-in-law tells Naomi that she will walk in her ways and follow her God.  They arrive at the beginning of the Barley Harvest (barley is representative of Israel – wheat, Gentiles).  Ruth gleans from Boaz’s field what the reapers miss and he protects her and gives her water when she is thirsty and feeds her.  Upon such kindness she responds to him in meekness and humility.  She continues to take care of her widowed mother-in-law and and gleans until the end of the wheat harvest.

Ruth approaches him (so must we) to act as her kinsman redeemer; an act he was always willing to do.  He promises her he will do what has to be done and she must wait on him to return to her as her groom.  He must risk his own estate in order to redeem the estate of his kinsman and keep his name alive.

That is a picture of our groom, our redeemer, our savior.  He has risked himself and his own estate under YHWH to redeem us and our estate.  He feeds us and nourishes us with life-giving water.  He cares for us deeply and has his servants watch over us and protect us.  He intercedes on our behalf.

He is our everything and we should with much meekness and humility come before his feet and take shelter under his cloak.

Have you made the decision to come to him?  Have you surrendered yourself to his care.  Have you left your old life behind to follow the God of Israel with all your heart?

If not, then do so today.

The storm is coming.

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